Heal our hoodS
The Hood Healers Podcast was created to provide a space to dialogue about transformational healing in our community. We must reclaim and reconnect to our traditional culture as we create new cultural norms in order to heal from generational trauma that has inflicted our community for many years. Using the philosophy "La Cultura Cura", we can bring about a systemic change. Building a movement of healing, we must recognize that this is a generational movement. We need our elders as well as the youth. Each member of our community is called to take their place in this circle of change. PALABRA
The Hood Healers Podcast will release a show two times a month 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Each show will feature teachings, blessings, and stories from the Wisdom Keepers in our community. Stay Tuned!!
RT @ciscogallardo: Words are Healing please support and share #laculturacura #palabra #grasp #healourhoods https://t.co/ft4yTDeiYW
Coming soon! #Palabra https://t.co/1YpVWhSm1o
RT @laculturacura: Today we had the honor of celebrating the commitment to PALABRA for some of the youth who participated in Virtual C… https://t.co/RAix49o5Fe